Welcome to Whitby Regatta

A full weekend of entertainment, embracing yacht and rowing races and free entertainment, finishing with a prize presentation and spectacular firework display.



Lost Children t: 07841777618 | Medical Emergency (Medics UK) t: 07572160823 or 07984332421 | Regatta Hotline t: 07943581339

A Historic Celebration

With a history of over one hundred and eighty years of aquatic competition and entertainment. The Whitby Regatta is probably the oldest sea Regatta on the northeast coast and has drawn large crowds into Whitby over the years.


  • Spectacular Fireworks Display
  • Regatta Fun Run
  • Rowing Races
  • Spit and Polish Classic Car Rally



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The Whitby Regatta Organisers are looking for additional people to help out during the famous Whitby Regatta weekend event which is taking place in August.

Are you ‘customer-friendly’, aged 16 or over, reliable and available for helping out sometime over the Whitby Regatta weekend?





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This year - 2025

Saturday 9th, Sunday 10th and Monday 11th August

Future Regatta Dates

8th, 9th & 10th August 2026

14th, 15th & 16th August 2027




Our Sponsors

We wish to thank all of those listed below for their generous sponshorship and kind support




Website Treasure Hunt

If the number in your programme matches this card, call The Computer Centre on 01947 605859 to claim your prize.